It's Tournament Time!

The 2025 Boston's Best Tournament is right around the corner. Get registered as a team or free agent/small group.

General Rules & Policies

Required Equipment

All players are required to have the proper protective equipment that is designed for ice hockey, fits properly, and maintains the manufacture’s intended integrity. To clarify, the following equipment is required for participation:

  • Helmet that is HECC-approved and has throat straps securely fastened (no more than two fingers of room between the throat strap and the chin). Goalies must have a proper face cage/shield.
  • Gloves
  • Shin pads (skaters) or leg pads (goalies)
  • Elbow pads
  • Padded pants or girdle
  • Chest protector (goalies)
  • Protective cup (men) or pelvic protector (women)
  • Skates

The following are optional (except for goalies and at the skater’s own risk). They are, however, strongly encouraged for your safety.

  • Shoulder pads
  • Face shield/cage (skaters)
  • Mouth guard

Pregame - Locker Rooms and Resurfacing

Locker Rooms

Players must use only the locker rooms assigned to their hour by the rink. Players may enter the locker room 20 minutes prior to game time and must vacate the locker room no more than 20 minutes after game time.

All locker rooms are coed and are to be used solely for changing in and out of hockey equipment. We ask that players please exercise discretion when in the presence of others. In particular, the changing of undergarments should take place in the bathroom or other areas that provide privacy.

No one on the ice during resurfacing

All rinks have safety rules in place to protect players and staff from injury while the ice is being resurfaced. Players must not take to the ice surface for any reason until the ice has been resurfaced and the ice resurfaced door has been completely closed. The rinks’s resurfacing operator may, in their sole discretion, exit the ice without finishing resurfacing if there is anyone on the ice. Also in their discretion, the rink may not premit players who violate this rule or create any other safety concern to return to their facility.

Conduct ("No Jerks") Policy

All players are subject to the player conduct policy, as interpreted by StinkySocks Hockey. Players are accountable for their own actions regardless of the actions of another individual.  Players are expected to conduct themselves with good sportsmanship. Chippy play, disrespectful verbal engagement, or contributing to the escalation of an incident, intentional physical contact with another player and any other disrespectful conduct is strictly prohibited by the “No Jerks” policy.

StinkySocks promotes a clean game, a enjoyable playing environment and any actions that are contrary to that are considered a violation of the “No Jerk” policy.  Any conduct that is considered to be unbecoming of a StinkySocks Hockey player, in violation of the terms and conditions of purchase, and/or contrary to the league’s mission will subject the offending player to disciplinary action, as deemed necessary by the league. Upon any offense, StinkySocks Hockey may, at its discretion, take disciplinary action against the offending player in the form of a warning or other penalty up to and including permanent ineligibility to participate in any StinkySocks Hockey games, leagues and tournaments. Subsequent offenses will result in more stringent disciplinary action varying from suspension of play, up to and including permanent ineligibility to participate in any StinkySocks Hockey games, leagues and tournaments.

Zero-tolerance on fighting: any involvement in a fight on or off the ice will result in disqualification from any and all StinkySocks Hockey games and events.

Third man in rule: Any player who becomes physically involved with a player of the other team during an altercation that did not initially involve them is considered to be a “third man in” and is subject to an automatic two-game suspension. In the event of an incident, players are required to clear out of the area in order to not further escalate the situation and to put the game staff in a position to handle the incident. This rule also applies to anyone who leaves the bench area during an incident, regardless of whether or not they end up becoming physically involved. Players should understand that even if their own intentions are good, becoming involved in an incident does NOT deescalate the situation. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that any incident comes to a quick close and does not further escalate.

Players who are ineligible to participate in a scheduled game or event due to disciplinary action taken by the league will not be entitled to any refunds.  All decisions made by StinkySocks Hockey are final.

If you’ve identified an issue is any game that you’ve played in, we ask that you communicate your concern to the league office.  Player conduct reporting helps us to maintain the quality of our games.

Age Eligibility

Players must be at least 21-years of age to participate in any StinkySocks Hockey event, unless otherwise noted. Certain exceptions may apply. Players who are under the required age are encouraged to call the league office to inquire about their eligibility.

Waiver of Liability Requirement

All players must read and sign a waiver of liability prior to participating in any game or related event offered through StinkySocks Hockey. Individuals may not participate in any hockey league game, tournament or skills without having signed a waiver. Waivers are only available in electronic form and are not available at games. Any player without a waiver e-signed prior to arriving at a scheduled game will not be allowed to participate.

Player Identification

Players are required to fully identify themselves to any representative of StinkySocks Hockey when asked. Providing any false or misleading information will result in permanent ineligibility to participate in any StinkySocks Hockey games, leagues, and tournaments.

Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Use

Any individual suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance, or who actively consumes any of these during a game (e.g. having beers on the bench) will be immediately disqualified from participation in that game or event to ensure the safety of all participants. In the case of a team (BYOT or Draft League), the game will end and be considered a forfeit for the offending team.

Most facilities prohibit the consumption of alcohol on their premise and some, such as high schools (e.g. Phillips Academy) go a step further to prohibit the possession of drugs/alcohol/tobacco anywhere on their premise (including the parking lot). For facility-specific policies regarding alcohol, please visit the facility’s location page. Locations that explicitly prohibit the possession and/or consumption of alcohol may, in their sole discretion, prohibit the offending individual and/or team (BYOT or Draft League) from returning which as a result will also result in the forfeiture of games that you or your team are scheduled for or would otherwise be scheduled for at that location.

Violations may result in further disciplinary action under our conduct policy, including but not limited to suspension or disqualification from eligibility.

Privacy Policy

StinkySocks Hockey is committed to keeping your information private and makes every reasonable attempt to do so. We will never share or sell your information. Furthermore, we will not release your information to anyone without your consent. However, any player who is found to be in violation of our rules and policies waives their right to privacy.

No Commitment Hockey Specific Rules & Policies

Rules of The Game

NCAA ice hockey rules will be enforced, with the following modifications.


  • No checking
  • One strike rule on fighting: any involvement in a fight on or off the ice will result in a permanent lifetime ban from any and all StinkySocks hockey games, tournaments, leagues, etc.
  • Blue line icing will be enforced
  • (10) skaters plus (1) goalie per team to ensure that you’re spending more time on the ice and less time on the bench.
  • To maximize playing time, StinkySocks Hockey games will be played in (2) halves, with a 5-minute warm-up and a 1-minute break in between halves. When games are full, and in the discretion of the official, one continuous game may be played.
  • One on ice official is provided.


No slapshots. For this purpose, a slapshot is defined as lifting your stick at above thigh before making contact with the puck on a shot.

Equitable Ice Time Policy

As a general rule, players should take shifts of approximately two minutes. Any player who is found to be deliberately taking lengthy shifts will be subject the player conduct policy.

Appropriate Level Policy

Players are asked to display honesty by selecting games and leagues that are appropriate for their ability level.

  • NCH Games – Any player who accidentally finds themselves at a game that is clearly above/below their ability level has the option to leave the game right away and receive a credit for another game that is of their ability level. If they are above the level and choose to stay and play, they are required to bring their play down to the average player in that game and not be a game-changing factor. As a part of that, they are asked to not shoot or rush the puck. Players who do not self-identify their level discrepancy and adjust as required or are clearly outside of the level designation may be asked by the official or a member of the StinkySocks Hockey staff leave the game. Any player who is asked to leave the game is not eligible for a refund or any other compensation. Players in violation of this policy may also be subject to the player conduct policy.
  • Season Pass Holder – Any player who is identified as being ineligible for a particular level that they are already registered for a season pass at that level will be asked to move to another league that is appropriate to their level.

If you have a concern that a player may not be appropriate for the level at which they’re playing, we kindly ask that you report it to the league office to help us ensure the quality and consistency of your experience.

Skater Attendance and "No Show" Policy

Applies to Open League and NCH Games

Players that cannot make a scheduled game are required to contact the StinkySocks Hockey league office by phone or a submission on our website.

A player who misses a scheduled game without notifying the league office will be subject to a warning upon their first offense within a rolling one year time period. Upon a second offense in any rolling one year period, any membership benefit entitlements will be forfeited. Any third or subsequent offense in a rolling one year period will result in a $5 charge per no-show.

Per the Terms of Purchase, registrations are non-transferable and non-refundable. Players may not, under any circumstances, send another player to a game in their place. Season pass members, when canceling a game, may allocate their spot to another player as long as that player registers and pays within the time allotted for that specific game. Any player found sending an unpaid player will be subject to an automatic 6 month ineligibility period. Furthermore, any player who knowingly plays in a game for which they are not registered or who provides false information regarding their identity is subject to the Theft of Service policy.

Goalie Attendance and "No Show" Policy

Goalies are an essential part of the quality game that StinkySocks Hockey delivers to its players. Once you sign up for a goalie spot you are committing to be there. If you need to cancel for any reason then we ask you to do so as far in advance as possible. With the right amount of notice we can almost always fill your spot. If you cannot make a scheduled game, we ask that you contact the StinkySocks Hockey league office by phone or a submission on our website.

With the help of our goalies, we have developed a no show policy that we think is fair and still maintains our quality objectives. A “no show” is defined as not providing notice of a cancellation within the guidelines stated below:

  • For game times that are at or before 12PM (noon) – Provide notice by 6PM the day prior
  • For a game beginning after 12PM– Provide notice at least 4 hours before game time

Goalies who are a “no show” for a game, as defined above, are subject to a $50 fee. Multiple “no shows” may result in ineligibility.

Season pass goalies who call out for more than 20% of their scheduled games in their season may be subject to forfeiting their spot for that season and/or their renewal privileges.

Theft of Game/Theft of Service Policy

Intentionally participating in any game or event without registering and paying is considered theft of service. Any player who is found to have participated in a game without having paid or having been authorized by an employee or representative of StinkySocks Hockey is in violation of this policy. Players found to be in violation of this policy will be required to pay a $100 fee in addition to the fees for the game or event in which they have participated, and will be issued a conduct warning.

Jersey Policy

Our uniquely numbered jerseys facilitate fast administration process through easy identification. Effective July, 2020, all skaters are required to wear a StinkySocks Hockey jersey to participate in Standard Games/No Commitment Hockey. Goalies are exempt from the jersey requirement and it does not apply to BYOT games.

Sharing/Loaning Jerseys Is Not Permitted

StinkySocks Hockey jerseys are each uniquely numbered and all information about you as a player is reported using that number, such as attendance, conduct, and leveling. Do to their use as positive identification, players may not share or loan their jersey for use in a StinkySocks Hockey game. Any conduct violation committed by another player while they are in possession of your jersey will be considered a violation committed by you.

Game Standby Policy

Getting On the Ice

Any skaters wishing to stand by for a game must alert the staff member (ref or scorekeeper) of their intent to play as a standby player for that game. If there is an open spot on the roster then they will be cleared to play right away. If the game is sold out and there are skater no-shows, standby skaters will be cleared for play in the order in which they requested to standby. The standby player may participate in the game if cleared by the StinkySocks Hockey staff member. However, if a rostered player arrives late then the standby player must exit the game and will not be charged, as StinkySocks Hockey does not allow more than 10 skaters on a team.

Since all players are required to wear a StinkySocks Hockey jersey registered to them, players who are cleared to play as a standby player will be charged the full retail price of the game automatically. Discounts do not apply for standby games.

Failure to Pay – Collections

If we are unable to collect payment automatically, we’ll notify you of that and give you an opportunity to contact us with payment information. Failure to acknowledge a collections email/call or otherwise make payment within 3 days will cause the player’s eligibility to be put on hold and subject each outstanding game payment to a $5 collections fee if paid within 30 days of the game, or $20 if made thereafter.

BYOT Specific Rules & Policies

Player Registration for Season Roster

Players can only register online on the BYOT Player Registration page. To register, players need to obtain and enter their team’s unique code for the season that is provided to their captain.

Choosing a Player Classification

At the time of registration, players choose to be a paying player, committing to sharing the team’s cost for the season, or a non-paying player, who does not. If your team’s registration page indicates that your season is paid for by your captain then no payment is necessary but you are still classified as a paying player.

Paying Players – Paying players commit to share equally the cost of the team's season and are granted Full Time member benefits with StinkySocks Hockey during their season. The $20 registration fee is waived for all paying players who register for the season before the first game eligibility deadline.

Non-Paying Goalie – Teams may decide if their goalie(s) pay or not. Those not paying are considered to be in this category. The $20 registration fee is waived for non-paying goalies at all times. If registering late, a $1 charge will appear that is waived when the registration is processed by the league office.

Non-Paying Alternate Skater – Alternate skaters pay a $20 registration fee but do not contribute towards the team’s dues. Alternate skaters may participate in regular season games, and can participate in playoff games as long as they have played the required amount of regular season games.

Registration and Season Roster Eligibility Deadlines

First game eligibility deadline - All skaters registered before noon on the business day prior to the team's first scheduled game are eligible for the first game.

Skater season registration deadline - The deadline to register as skater on a team's season roster is by the 75% point of the regular season (rounded up). For example, if your season is 18 games and the last 3 are reserved for playoffs there are 15 regular season games so all skaters must be registered by the 12th scheduled game. Keep in mind that to play in the playoffs, skaters must appear in at least 50% of the team's regular season games.

Goalie season registration deadline - The deadline to register as goalie on a team's season roster is by the end of the last game of the regular season. Keep in mind that to play in the playoffs, goalies must appear in at least one regular season game.

Paying player deadline - The deadline to register and be a part of the team's payment split calculation is two weeks from the team's first scheduled game. After this time, any new players must register as non-paying.

Please note that skaters must register before noon on the business day prior to the game that they want to be eligible for to be added to the season roster in time. To be clear, skaters cannot be added on the same day as the game in which they wish to start.

Player Eligibility

There is no limit on the number of players each team can roster for the season, unless otherwise noted. Game to game, captains can choose a maximum of 15 skaters and 2 goalies to play and certify on the game day roster. To be eligible to play in any of their team’s scheduled games players must meet the following criteria:

  • Be registered on the team
  • Have a waiver e-signed
  • Individually qualify for the stated level
  • Be listed on the team’s active season roster online as active (note: does not apply to late-registering goalies, who may play immediately if they meet all other criteria). To be listed a player must have registered on the timeline specified for their desired start date and be a player in good standing, meaning the player is current on their payments and is not otherwise ineligible to participate in a StinkySocks Hockey game (e.g. admin hold, conduct matter, etc).
  • Wear a uniquely numbered jersey matching their team's primary color with the number permanently affixed to the back. To clarify, numbers cannot made of hockey tape or similar material that may fall off and no two players can have the same number.
  • Be listed on the game day roster that is submitted and certified by the captain to the game staff.
  • Be prepared to provide identification

Teams are not permitted to allow a player to play who does not fully meet the criteria above, under any circumstance. A team who found to have allowed a player to participate who was not on their eligible player roster, or misrepresents a player being a player who they are not, will have the game it occurs in considered a forfeit. Regular forfeit rules for losing a future game to the other team will apply.

Playoff Eligibility

In addition to the player eligibility requirements above, skaters must have played in at least 50% of their team’s regular season games. Goalies must have appeared in at least one of the team’s regular season games.

Appropriate Level Policy and Challenges

All players on a team must individually qualify for the level at which their team has entered. The league does not screen players in advance, as there’s an expectation that captains build their teams in a manner that’s fair and consistent with leveling guidelines.

As a system of checks and balances, captains from opposing teams may challenge the level eligibility of any opposing team during the regular season. To initiate a formal level challenge, a captain should submit a written request at any time during the regular season. Based on staff observations, available game footage, the feedback of other captains, and any other available information, the league will then determine whether or not the player should be disqualified. If the league is informed of a player’s documented organized playing history that is above the stated level at any time then that player is subject to automatic disqualification.

In the case of a player being disqualified due to level eligibility, all goals and assists attributed to that player will be removed, possibly changing the results of those games.

Jersey Policy

Each team must have one set of uniforms with a matching primary color. All jerseys must be uniquely numbered with a permanently affixed number. In the event of a jersey color conflict, the team who registered later must yield to the other team. We recommend that teams have at least 2 sets to prevent a situation where they cannot play due to not having a matching set that’s individually numbered.

As one of the BYOT benefits, teams get a discount on custom jerseys from Mando Hockey. Contact the league office for us to get your order started.

Game Day Rosters

For every game, each captain (or designated member of the team) must submit legible paper rosters to the scorekeeper (or game staff member) before the game's start. This roster can be informal in its structure but must include the following information:

  • Date, Time, Location
  • Team name
  • List of players rostered for the game (first name, last name, jersey number)
    • As a reminder, all players must appear as active on the team's online season roster at the time of the game to be added to the game day roster.
  • Certification statement that states “I certify that the players above are the actual players playing”
  • Signature

The game cannot start until the game rosters are submitted by both teams.

Game Forfeits and Automatic Losses

Teams should do everything possible to avoid forfeits. To protect other teams, forfeits result in the forfeiting team essentially forfeiting against themselves by losing that game and having to give the other team their next game as a makeup. Teams who forfeit more than two games in a season are also not eligible for the playoffs.

Avoiding a shortage of players begins with teams organizing well in advance of game day. Players can help their team by letting the captain know as far in advance as possible if they cannot make a game.

What We Can Do To Help

If you fall short for any one game, we likely can help if you ask in advance. Day of game requests leave us with far less options than a day or two in advance.

Goalies – If you cannot produce a goalie, please notify the league office as early as possible. Finding a goalie is a best-effort service that we provide at no charge up to four (4) times per season when requested in advance, which is defined as more than 30 hours before the game. A fee of $20 for successful placement applies starting with the fifth request made in advance, paid at the time of the request. Placement requests are available within 30 hours of a game at a rate of $50 per successful placement, paid at the time of request.

Skaters – If you need additional players for any one regular season game they may be sourced by the StinkySocks Hockey league office from other BYOT teams at the same level. Teams can have up to (3) skaters placed as if they were their own players. However, accepting any skaters for a playoff game will result in an loss. To clarify, these players must be sourced by the league... teams cannot source their own players from other teams unless they register them for their own roster under the specified timelines for eligibility.

Please note that skaters must register before noon on the business day prior to the game that they want to be eligible for to be added to the season roster in time. To be clear, skaters cannot be added on the same day as the game in which they wish to start.

When a team cannot field enough players for a game, forfeits fall into two categories:


A team is considered to have forfeited a game in these cases:

  • They are unable to produce at least five skaters by the end of the first period of a game, regardless of whether or not advance warning has been given.
  • They have been found to have allowed a player to participate in a game who was not on their eligible player roster, or misrepresents a player being a player who they are not.

Automatic Transfer of Next Game

In the event of a forfeit in the regular season, the game will be considered unplayed and the forfeiting team will automatically have their next scheduled regular season game transferred to the team that was forfeited against as a makeup. If the team that was forfeited against has a qualified schedule conflict for the makeup game then the forfeiting team’s next scheduled game that is not conflicting will be used. A qualified schedule conflict is a game scheduled on the same day at another location, the same teams scheduled to play each other, or the makeup game data being a guaranteed off day for the forfeiting team. If no regular season games remain then there is no makeup game and a 1-0 loss will be recorded instead.

The team that was forfeited against has 24hrs to opt out of the makeup game, in which case the scheduling change is reversed and the team forfeited against has the forfeited game recorded as a 1-0 win. After 24 hours the makeup game is a a permanent schedule change.

Notes on This Policy

    • In the case that both teams forfeit, the game will be recorded as unplayed.
    • A team may play shorthanded until the end of the first period if they are awaiting more players or they may accept the forfeit prior to the start of the game. After a forfeit is entered, all players present will be evenly distributed in a pickup game format in order to get the best possible experience out of the time left.


A team will automatically have a 1-0 loss in these cases:

  • There are five or more skaters but no goalie by the end of the first period
  • If an opposing team is given advance notice and agrees to give the forfeiting team players in order to have the forfeiting team reach the minimum skater threshold for a game to be played.

A team that is expecting their goalie to show up may play the first period without a goalie, whereas those not expecting a goalie may accept a forfeit prior to the start of the game. They may not play an additional skater, may not have a skater play in the crease, and may not have any of the skaters play with goalie privileges. After a 1-0 loss is entered, a game will continue in a pickup format, with skaters being asked to change sides approximately every 10 minutes so that both teams have the opportunity to shoot on the goalie.


Team will automatically have a 0-0 tie in these cases:

  • When both teams appear with enough skaters but both fail to produce a goalie.
  • When both teams appear with a goalie but not enough skaters.
  • If both teams either don’t have a goalie appear or don’t have enough skaters.


Both teams have goalies and 5+ skaters = game played as planned

Team x has a goalie AND/OR 5+ skaters = game played as planned

Team x allows a player to play who is not rostered and eligible = forfeit for team x

Team x has a goalie AND 5+ skaters but more than 3 of those players were placed for the game by StinkySocks Hockey = automatic loss for team x, a scrimmage game is played

Team x does not have a goalie but has 5+ skaters = automatic loss for team x, a scrimmage game is played with team x getting the other goalie and shooting at posts

Team x has a goalie but under 5 skaters = automatic loss for team x, a scrimmage game is played splitting all players amongst the two teams

Team x does not have a goalie AND has under 5 skaters = forfeit for team x, a scrimmage game is played by splitting all players amongst the two teams

Team y is notified in advance of an automatic loss for team x and they agree to give up enough players to help reach the minimum skater threshold = automatic loss for team x, a scrimmage game is played

Team x fails to appear = forfeit for team x, team y splits up players for a scrimmage

Both teams appear but both do not have goalies =  game played as planned, the game is recorded as a tie

Neither team appears = unplayed game

Team x forfeits in advance = forfeit for team x and team y can use the ice as practice ice

Team x has an automatic loss scenario and team y decides not to play = forfeit for team y

Rules of The Game

NCAA ice hockey rules will be enforced, with the following modifications.


  • Absolutely no checking or intentional physical contact
  • StinkySocks Hockye conduct expectations – refer to our conduct policy in the general rules
  • Red line automatic icing
  • Time Management: Ice blocks of 50 minutes will have a 3-minute warmup, (3) 15-minute running time periods, and one minute between periods. Ice blocks of 60 minutes will have a 5-minute warmup, (3) 17-minute running time periods, one minute between periods. All time is running time except the last minute of the period, if the score is within one goal.
  • There are no timeouts allowed
  • Two on-ice officials and one scorekeeper (staffing constraints may affect this)


Single-elimination playoffs are scheduled at the end of each season. However, we guarantee you to schedule the full amount of games stated at registration so any team who either does not qualify for the playoffs or is eliminated will still go on to have their remaining games scheduled during the playoff weeks.

The size of the division determines how many teams make the playoffs and how many weeks are reserved for them:

  • 7 or less teams: top 4 teams qualify, last 2 weeks reserved
  • 8 or more teams: top 8 teams qualify, last 3 weeks reserved

Points percentage (points per games played) for the regular season will be used to determine playoff-qualifying teams. Tie-breakers in order are:

  • Lowest penalty minutes
  • Most goals for
  • Fewest goals against

Additional modifications for playoff games:

  • Time – The last two minutes of the third period are stopped time, regardless of the score.
  • Overtime – A tie after regulation will result in a 5-minute (running time) 3v3 overtime. If the game is not decided in overtime, there will be a shootout. If necessary, the shootout begins with a round of three shots per team, each from a different player. If the score remains tied thereafter, there will be rounds of a single shot per team until the game is decided. A player may not be chosen to shoot again until everyone all other players on their team have shot.


Regular season points will be calculated on the following:

  • Win – 2 points
  • Tie – 1 point
  • Loss – 0 points

Playoffs are determined by the highest win percentage, which is the same comparison as points per game played. Tie breakers for playoff determination are:

  1. Least amount of penalty minutes
  2. Most goals for
  3. Least goals against

Please note that any team who has forfeited more than 2 games in the regular season is not playoff-eligible.

Draft League Specific Rules & Policies

Rules of The Game

NCAA ice hockey rules will be enforced, with the following modifications.


  • No checking
  • One strike rule on fighting: any involvement in a fight on or off the ice will result in a permanent lifetime ban from any and all StinkySocks hockey games, tournaments, leagues, etc.
  • Blue line icing will be enforced.
  • Ice blocks of 50 minutes will have a 3-minute warmup, (3) 15-minute running time periods, and one minute between periods. Ice blocks of 60 minutes will have a 5-minute warmup, (3) 17-minute running time periods, one minute between periods.
  • All time is running time except the last minute of the period, if the score is within one goal.
  • There are no timeouts allowed.
  • Two on ice officials and one scorekeeper are provided.


There are single-elimination playoffs at the end of each season. Any team eliminated will still go on to play regular games to fulfill the total amount of games that they were guaranteed to have in their season.

The size of the division/league determines how many teams make the playoffs and how many weeks are reserved for them:

  • 7 or less teams: top 4 teams qualify, last 2 weeks reserved
  • 8 or more teams: top 8 teams qualify, last 3 weeks reserved

Additional modifications for playoff games:

  • The last two minutes of the third period are stopped time, regardless of the score.
  • A tie after regulation will result in a 5-minute (running time) overtime.
  • If the game is not decided after overtime, there will be a shootout. The shootout begins with a round of three shots per team, each from a different player. If the score remains tied thereafter, there will be rounds of a single shot per team until the game is decided. A player may not be chosen to shoot again until everyone all other players on their team have shot.

Rosters and Eligibility

Each team has up to 13 skaters and 1 goalie on their team’s roster.


All players must be registered and confirmed by the league office to be on the team’s active roster in order to be eligible to play.

To be eligible to play in any game, players must meet the following criteria:

  • Be registered and confirmed on their team’s roster
  • Have a waiver e-signed
  • Be wearing a StinkySocks Hockey registered to them.
  • Be a player in good standing, meaning the player is current on their dues and is not otherwise ineligible to participate in a StinkySocks Hockey game (admin hold, conduct case, etc)

Teams are not be allowed to bring in a player who is not registered and confirmed to be on their roster under any circumstance. Any team who found to have allowed a player to participate who was not on their eligible player roster, or misrepresents a player being a player who they are not, will have the game it occurs in considered a forfeit.

Fill-In Goalies

If you are a goalie who cannot make one of your games, please notify the league office as early as possible. We will place a goalie with your team for the game you can’t make who is appropriate for the level. Teams cannot place their own goalies.


Regular season points will be calculated on the following:

  • Win – 2 points
  • Tie – 1 point
  • Loss – 0 points

Tie breakers for playoff determination:

  1. Most wins
  2. Goal Differential
  3. Least amount of penalty minutes

Automatic Losses and Automatic Ties


A team will automatically have a 1-0 loss in these cases:

  • There are not at least five or more skaters and/or no goalie by the end of the first period

A team who is expecting their goalie to show up may play the first period without a goalie, whereas those not expecting a goalie may accept a forfeit prior to the start of the game. They may not play an additional skater, may not have a skater play in the crease, and may not have any of the skaters play with goalie privileges. After a 1-0 loss is entered, a game will continue in a pickup format, with skaters being asked to change sides approximately every 10 minutes so that both teams have the opportunity to shoot on the goalie.


Team will automatically have a 0-0 tie in these cases:

  • When both teams appear without enough skaters and/or are missing a goalie.

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