Paying Players – Paying players commit to share equally the cost of the team's season and are granted Full Time member benefits with StinkySocks Hockey during their season. The $20 registration fee is waived for all paying players who register for the season before the first game eligibility deadline.
Non-Paying Goalie – Teams may decide if their goalie(s) pay or not. Those not paying are considered to be in this category. The $20 registration fee is waived for non-paying goalies at all times. If registering late, a $1 charge will appear that is waived when the registration is processed by the league office.
Non-Paying Alternate Skater – Alternate skaters pay a $20 registration fee but do not contribute towards the team’s dues. Alternate skaters may participate in regular season games, and can participate in playoff games as long as they have played the required amount of regular season games.