Below you’ll find some recommendations of places to go while in the Mont-Tremblant area. Feel free to contact us at any point prior to or during the weekend with any questions! We’ll be updating this list soon!
le sandwicherie
510 rue de Saint-Jovite
Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
(819) 717-4177
This place has the best sandwiches and soups in the area… trust us. It is conveniently located within walking distance of the rink in the Old Village of Mont-Tremblant. You can’t miss it and yes, you saw correct… it is located in a bike shop.
Au Coin
1900 chemin du Village
Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
(819) 717-1410
If you want to sit down have a few beers, some wings and a sandwich this Irish pub is the place to visit. Also located in the Old Village of Mont-Tremblant, it’s located right next to le sandwicherie… not a far walk from the rink.